Monday, October 12, 2009

I have several books at my credit in Gujarati Language as follows(i.e. Names and Theme)
1)Prem Milan(Novel)
what happen to one if he goes as per call of his conscious? However one's call of conscious may not be truth for majority.
The values and principles in politics i.e. pre and post freedom periods. However how high character freedom fighters found it very difficult to survive in politics in such contradictions
3)Maha Sangram(Novel)
The Joint Hindu family system is getting weak as Girls are also demanding same rights and freedom as Boys. In the process how parents become miserable and unhappy. It makes impossible for them to keep family unite.
IT is regrading dynasty in the politics. One may appoint his successor who has wavelength with him and not because he is closely related to him
It is regarding life of Maharajahs and Nawabs. How they try to adjust their life after losing their kingdom and privy purses.
6)Pyali Bharine Pidha Che Zer(Novel)
It is regarding the sacrifice made by parents for their children.
7)Swargana Jangalma(Novel)
It is regarding story of Indian girl married to NRI bridegroom. How she was abuse abroad by her husband?
It is regarding politics of adjustments for power and giving up of values and principles.
It is story of woman who was abused, exploited, and humiliated in order to satisfy the ambitions of two friends.
It was a beautiful evening at Juhu beach Bombay. The whole sky was filled with golden color. The sun was going down towards horizon and was looking like a golden plate. The cool breeze was coming through coconut trees which was making whole atmosphere very peasant.
We were sipping cold coffee at the poolside of Sun and Sand Hotel. Our eyes were fixed at beautiful sunset. I suddenly show one beautiful woman whose long hair was flying allover. She was perfectly dressed in Sarwal Kurta an Indian dress. She was looking very attractive due to her long hair and big eyes. It was a known face and was trying to recollect from my memory where I have met her? She smiled at me as if she knew me well. I was failed by my memory and felt guilty about it. I lowered my face in order to save my self from embarrassment.
'Arun what are you thinking?' my wife Madhvi asked me.
'What?' I asked her?
'It is not good manners. She wants to talk you and you are looking at other side. What is a problems my dear?'
What are you talking about? And I raised my face again.
Meanwhile I saw that beauty queen was just standing before me with a smiling face.
'I am sorry' I pleaded.
'Why' she ask me innocently.
'For staring at you and could not recognize you.' I replied.
'Hi Aru.'she greeted me
'Hi, How do you know my pet name? I asked her.
'Have you forgotten me? She asked me.
' I can catch your face but name---' I told her.
'You stood as a referee in my marriage. How can you forget me?'
'Oh my God you are Panchali. You are completely change. You have put-up little flesh, which makes you more attractive but changed your look.'
'It is good that atlas you have recognized your school friend. I was nervous that I would have to narrate whole story in order to bring back your memory. It would have been very embarrassing for me do so before your wife.' Said Panchali.
'Oh excuse me for not introducing my wife Madhvi.' I told her politely.
Panchali came forward and gave a big hugged to Madhavi and added
'Madhvi you may not be aware of my emotional relationship with your husband. He is like my brother. He gave me to Karan in marriage. He was referee between two friends' Karan and Arjun.'
'What referee?' asked Madhavi.
'I will tell you whole story and will also explain my role as referee. It requires lot of time. Panchali is our very good friend. We were together in school and a collage. I am meeting her after long time. 'I explained to Madhvi.
'Oh I see' said Madhvi.
'My darling What do you mean?' I asked.
‘The love, warmth, feeling and closeness reflect in your talk. I can see that very clearly.’said Madhvi.
‘Where is Karan?’ I asked Panchali.
‘Oh I am sorry I have forgotten to introduce my husband’ said Panchali.
‘Never mind it is better than never.'said Madhvi with smiling face.
‘I have to apologize for my omission but you should not me sarcastic’said Panchali.
She ran towards the beach wall of hotel where one gentleman was sitting and watching the beautiful sunset. She murmured something in his ear he immediately started walking towards us.
When they were before us panchali said ‘Arjun you know Arun’
‘How can I forget him? He is our bosom friend.’
‘How are you Arun?’Arjun inquired with me.
‘Meet my wife Madhvi.’ I introduced Madhvi to Arjun.
‘Please to meet you my sweet sister in law.’ Said Arjun.
‘It is also pleasure for Me.’replied Madhvi in a very soft voice.
‘ You will have to show us your pleasure by giving very good dinner’ said Arjun
‘You are always welcomed’ Madhvi replied.
‘He is also our very good friend.’ I briefed Madhvi.
‘I can see that. I have already given them invitation for dinner.’
‘Where is our friend Karan? I asked Panchali in order to change the subject.
‘Oh I am sorry have forgotten tell you that that karan is still in America and Arjun is my husband.’ Panchali said in choking voice and with heavy heart.
‘Is it true or you are joking? I literally shouted at her. I was shocked by her announcement.
‘ It is a reality and true. You will have to believe it.’ Said Panchali with tears rolling on her cheeks.
‘Why did you leave him alone? I had handed over to you.’ I said in excitement.
‘I am suppose to be with my husband and I am with him.’ Said Panchali firmly.
What nonsense you are talking. This is very ridicules.’ I shouted again at her.
Aru please keep some patience. Do not be emotional. We will explain you every thing’ said panchali and put her hand softly on my shoulder in order to pacify me.
Tell me immediately. I can not bear with the situation. It is a question of our friendship. I hope you people have not betrayed Karan.You do not understand what type of storm is going through my heart.’ I told them in angry tone.
‘The tears were still rolling over the cheeks of Panchali. She told me emotionally
‘Aru I will tell everything and you will be our judge. I will take any punishment you will give after hearing my case.’
‘You know very well I carry moral responsibility for arranging your marriage.’ I told her in a choking voice.
‘You need not worry we have not done anything, which will create any pain for you. We will come to your house tomorrow as promised and explain to you everything.’ Said Panchali and softly put her hand on my head and told further ‘please keep some patience do not get exited.’
‘Ok our dinner stands. You have to come to our place to morrow as promised’ Once again Madhvi pressed them.
We shall be there.How can we refuse the invitation of one of our dearest friends?’replied Panchali.
‘Lets go it is getting dark. Panchali told Arjun.
‘Ok friends see you tomorrow. 'Said Arjun and took our leave.
‘Bye’ I said nervously.
I was very unhappy. It was a shocked for me. However I was surprised that how such thing happen among the best friends whose bodies were separate but heart was one.Besides that they were always wishing good of each other. I went on watching both of them until they disappeared from my sight.
I could find some soft hand was moving on my shoulder from behind. I looked above.
‘You seem to be very unhappy my dear’ asked Madhvi.
It is a matter of surprise for me. It was I who arranged marriage of Pachali with Karan. She meets me today after several years and tells me that ‘ She is wife of Arjun.’ I cannot digest it. It was I who settled that problematic triangle. You will be surprised that I have to give solace to Arjun for loosing Panchali.
‘I believe you that you had solved that triangle and now you are unhappy about it as they have undone it. Please forget about it and enjoy this beautiful evening. We will not think about it until tomorrow when they Come and clarify it regarding the same. Why we should spoil this pleasant evening which is before us.’ Madhvi requested me.
However I could not enjoy the rest of the evening even though I was posing as if I am enjoying fully. My body was there but mind was with those friends. The beautiful Panchali was always problem in our friendship. I walked over by making her as my sister, but it was always problem for our friends'’Karan and Arjun’. One body but two contenders.
I was not getting sleep and was changing the side in bed. Madhvi was looking at me with anxiety. In the process I had a very late night. However I waked up very early and asked bed tea from Madhvi. She brought it immediately. I was very much engrossed in thought even at time.
‘Arun you seems to be upset?’Asked Madhvi
‘Yes sweet heart. It appears problem of my friends is very complecated.’I told her.
‘Dear you have share your problems with me. What is a use of suffering alone?’ Madhhvi asked me
‘I have nothing to hide from you. It is bothering me that lust of woman can overcome all values and bonds of friendship. where is love affection and goodwill for each other are gone? That is bothering me.' I told madhvi.
‘ how can i answer your question when i do not know anything.’Replied Madhvi.
‘I will tell you everything so you can be helpful to me in this complicated situation.’I told her.
Please tell me so that I can help you to reduce your agony.’said Madhvi.
You may be knowing everything about me but you may be ignorant about some of the links of events before our marriage. You are now well aware that we were good friends. Besides that we had good fun together in school and college. There was no secret between us. We had also shared dreams and ambitions of life. Karan and Arjun were very ambitious and they wanted to make their fortune in America. They were very much impress with good opportunity available in America.They had decided to go America and settle down. In short they wanted to be in their dreamland.
'What about you? You must be repenting for not going to states.' Asked Madhvi.
'I am self-contended from beginning and always wished them well. I had told them that it will not be easy to for them to reach America. Besides that I wanted to stay in India and to look after my social obligation.'
'Ok it is all right. Lets move further with your story of the past.' Said Madhvi.
'You must also know that that original name of panchali was 'pinki'. Her skin was pinkish and she was very good-looking girl in her youth. They use to call her 'Pinky' in the school. She was very reserve with other schoolboys but we all three had privilege to remain very close to her. We use to protect her from rowdy boys and she use to respect us.'
'Aru how that you had not develop attraction for such beautiful girl'? Asked Madhvi.
'Yes. We all three friends started loving her in our own ways. Other boys were jealous of our friendship. They use to tease her.'
They use to say ' Oh she is a Panchali , but Pandvas are three only. You may be aware that in 'MAHABHARAT' Panchali had five husbands.' I explained to Madhvi.
'Any two of you can take the vacant places with them on merits ' was use to be a sporty reply from the Panchali.
We use to tell her to ignore those nasty remarks because they do not know the true meaning of the friendship. They were under impression that man and woman can have only sexual relationship.
One day panchali told me that 'Aru I feel vacuum in my life because I do not have brother. I could have reduced my burden by talking to him regarding my problems if any.'
That is the most pious relationship in the world, because no vested interest is involved.' I told her.
' Whether we can buildup such relationship?' she asked me.
'Why not? We can have such relationship. I always dreamed that I must have a beautiful sister life you.' I replied her with full of emotions.
She torned her new Saree and immediately tied Rakhi on my hand symbolizing our new relationship.
'Arun now onwards you will be my dear brother. You are my guide, philosopher, and friend. You have to protect me from evil forces.' Said Panchali.
I gave her promise to look after her. Thereafter she started confiding in me in everymatter.
One day she came to me, as she was totally confused.
'Arun I do not know how to select one as a life partner out of my two best friends?' she asked me very innocently.
'You must select one whom you really love.' I advised her.
'Arjun and Karan both love me equally and I also love them equally. 'She replied.
'You must know that you can not marry both of them. You will have to select one. ' I told her firmly.
'It is very difficult to select one because both of them are equally good in their own way.' She said.
'It will create a problem for you if you are not rational on the subject.' I told her and indicating that she is heading for trouble.
'I am unable to decide about it. I am in a great dilemma.' She told me frankly.
'Lets face it when it comes before us. We may not go on worry about it.' I advised her.
'It is very interesting.' Said Madhvi.
The time passed very fast and we were in the last year of our collage. The pressure on Panchali was increasing from our friends to decide about her choice. In the process they lost their patience for capering Panchali. Arjun and Karan both started making undesirable advances towards Panchali.They told her in clear cut manner to make choice of one of them forthwith. They were tired with the appeasing policy of Panchali. One evening she came with tears in her eyes.
'What is it my dear sister?' I asked her.
'My brother now time has come and you will have to solve my problem.' she requested me.
'I will tell our friends not to pressurize you.They should not behave in a childish manner.' I tried my best to give her solace.
'Aru it will be great fevour to me, if you can pacify them. They have started creating embarrassing situation for me in public.' She told me with rolling tears on her cheeks.
'Please do not worry we will solve the matter amicably.' I told her.
'Why should I worry when I have brother like you?' said Panchali and she left.
However I could see that great storm is approaching in her life which she cannot avoid it.
'It is very interesting.'said Madhvi.
'Yes, but you will have to stimulate my energy before I proceed further with my talk. Please get me one cup hot coffee'. I requested Madhvi.
'Yes Sir' she said and went in to kitchen for getting me one more cup of coffee for me.
'Lets proceed further with your interesting story' said Madhvi and handed over to me another cup of coffee. I started my story again from where I had left.
Those were the last days and we were on the verge of graduation. The pressure on Panchali was increasing to decide in the fevour of one candidate i.g. Arjun or Karan. It was time for her to make a final choice. The funniest thing about it was that both of our friends were taking granted her as a betterhalf. I had understood Panchali's emotional problem. Besides that it was very complicated one and hanging like sword over our friendship. I took responsibility to solve it tactfully.
I was sitting in our college library and preparing for my final exam. Panchali came their crying. Everybody started looking at me. I just got up from my chair and windup with my reading. I took her out and brought her in garden.
'What's a matter Panchali ' I asked her.
'Arun do something as things are going out of hands. They want that I should decide this matter in Seven days.'
'It is your personal matter. How they can force you to decide about your marriage? I asked her.
'Aru how can I displease one? I can not do It.'said Panchali with tears in her eyes.
Please let me know whether you have any preference for anyone? I asked her again.
'I carry equal respect for both them and I can not displease any one.' She repeated her dilemma.
' I have found a way to solve your ticklish problem, which I will keep secret for time being.'
Ok then what should I tell them? She asked me.
'You tell them it will be decided during our forthcoming picnic to Mahabaleshwer. ' I advised her accordingly.
It was our last picnic before we left the college. You know very well that Mahabaleshwar is a very scenic and pleasant place. We had fixed up our last meeting at 'Sunset Point. During our said meeting I opened the topic and told Panchali that' this is a right time and right place for solving your problem.'
'Which problem you are talking about? She asked me.
'You can open your mind when we are all here. This is a great opportunity for you. ' I advised her.
'Arun what should I say I do not know?' And she started crying loudly and tears started rolling on her beautiful cheeks.
Arjun and Karan could not bear with her pain and their hearts were melted. Arjun went to her and gave her his handkerchief to wipe out her tears. Karan caught hold of her hands with moistly eyes to give her solace. He asked her softly' why are you crying?'
'You both can not understand her because you people are self centered' I told them bluntly.
'What do you mean by accusing us?' asked Karan.
'Do you mind if she decides to marry someone else? I asked Karan.
'Do not be ridiculous. I love her' said Karan.
'She is my life. I can not leave without her' declared Arjun.
'Whether you both are ready to marry her?'I asked them.
'Aru have you lost your mind? Do not be silly and do not talk nonsense.' both of them shouted at me.
'You need not shout at me, because it will not solve the Panchali's problem. Did you ever tried sincerely to find out what is her dilemma?' I asked them straight question.
Meanwhile Panchali started sobbing heavily and after pause of time she asked in very angry tone' what you people think of me? Do you think I am an animal in the market for sale? Do you think that I can sleep with each and every one whom I like or whoever likes me? How can you discuss this matter openly without consulting me.' She asked in a very sharp voice.
'She is right. We have to respect her wishes and decision. Who we are to discuss about her personal matter like marriage?' I told them frankly.
'Arun you are my brother. You have been my friend, philosopher, and guide through out my personal crisis.' Said Panchali in a very emotional voice.
'Thanks my dear sister. You have relieved me from the race. Therefore I will be able to act impartially without damaging our friendship.' I announced my self as a referee at that moment.
'What do you want me to do? 'I asked Panchali.
'You show me the way out as you know my problem very well.' She asked.
'Panchali we are all friends you can tell your preference openly. I assure you nobody will feel bad even if he is a looser in the game.' I told her with confidence and my both friends gave their consent by nodding their heads.
'I know that Arjun and Karan both loves me very much. I have equal feelings for them. How can I select one as my life partner by rejecting other? I cannot imagine displeasing any one of them.'she said with tears in the eyes.
'Do not be foolish? You can not marry both of them.' I literally shouted at her in anger.
Then I turn towards my both friends and told them' I hope you understand the situation? She loves both of you.'
'I withdraw in fever of Arjun and ready to sacrifice my love for her.'said Karan.
Why not I? Asked Arjun.
'I do not want that you should have feeling of sacrificing for each other.It will be counter productive. Hence it is better that we find some way out in order to solve the problem. I have a solution of this problem if you have faith in me.' I told them.
'Yes we have a faith in you. Besides that you do not have any interest in the matter. We are ready to accept you as a referee in the matter.'said Arjun. Karan also supported the praposal.
'Ok. We will make king and scale now to solve this problem.' I suggested.
Both of them accepted my proposal sportingly. The winner will have right to marry Panchali.' I told them.
'Accepted Aru' Both of them agreed.
'Aru' you are the best judge of my interest.' Said Panchali and gave her consent.
Accordingly I asked Panchali to throw one rupee coin high in the sky. However I allocated king to karan and other side to Arjun.The kingside of the coin was lying before us on the ground. Karan had won the hand of Panchali. Arjun was a looser and there were tears in his eyes. He congratulated Karan and gave big and last hugged to 'Panchali'.
He came to me and told me 'Arun please throw away that coins in the valley so that I may not come across it at any time.. According I threw away that coin in the Sahiyadree Mountains. The Panchali problem was also buried with that coin.
'Good luck my friends.' Said Arjun to Panchali and Karan when he was leaving the place.
'We will be good friends now onwards.' said Panchali.
'Of cource' said Arjun in a very distressing voice.
Panchali then hold hands of all of us emotionally and said' Pomise me no hard feelings, and no bitterness. We shall help each other in the time of needs.'
'Omen ' we promised her with Godly word.
It was a hard time to depart. We lost control over our emotions and cried for long time on each other shoulders. It was getting dark and we said 'Good bye'.
We never met thereafter except in the marriage of ' Karan with Panchali.
I completed my story with big question mark? 'I do not know now what must have happened which separated Karan from Panchali and united Arjun with her?'
"Do not worry. They are coming for dinner tomorrow and you will get answers of all your queries.' Said Madhvi to pacify my anxiety.
I was waiting eagerlyfor arrival of panchali and Arjunn in the evening. The second and minutes were becoming longer then hours for me. I remembered that Panchali had promised me send me 'Rakhi (i.e.'representing the good wishes to the brother') every year without fail. She also told me that if I do not receive it then take it granted that she is no more in this world. She kept her promise in order express our brother -sisterly love. I remembered we had dance like hell in their marriage. It was pleasant event for us but sad for Arjun who had lost the race then. However Arjun had also wished them well at the time of departure. I failed to understand that how Arjun can do such thing or betray his best friend? How can he snatch away the wife of his bosom friend? All these question were bothering me. I was in a deep thought while sipping coke in my balcony.
"If I am not mistaken you are awaiting for your friends eagerly? "My wife came from behind and asked me.
" Yes I am exited because we are meeting after a long time." I replied Madhvi
" Why do you boil your blood? Do not go on thinking wrongly and increase your blood pressure." She advised me looking at my nature. She further requested me to get her some grocery, which she needed very badly. She wanted to divert my attention from Panchali and Arjun issue.
Ok boss as you wish ". I told her and went down to get grocery as she ordered. Madhvi wanted to keep my mind bussywith other matter until arrival of my friends.
I was loosing my patience as Panchali and Arjun had still not arrived. They came very late.
"You kept us waiting whole evening. You are very late. " I told Panchali.
She came and kissed my forehead and replied "Dear we were holdup because of evening rush. We could not find taxi. Aru please forgive us. I know you strictly observed the timing. Her love and affection have touched my heart. My anger was melted.
She went inside kitchen to meet Madhvi. Meanwhile Arjun hugged me and started making enquiry regarding my family. Panchali also dragged Madhvi outside kitchen and brought her out. She said emotionally " my sister in law is very sweet. Aru you are very lucky guy to have such pretty wife."
Meanwhile I was was watching the Panchali.
"Aru why are you so perplexed? She asked me.
" Panchali you are still beautiful. You still maintain your charm and grace" I told her frankly.
" Thank you for your compliments. This saris which I am warring is your present which makes me more attractive" replied Panchali.
Oh it's my present to you. Thanks for giving me so much importance."
"It is my duty. Why do you want to pinch me sarcastically?" She asked
"If you can forget my good friend and your husband karan. You may as well as forget your brother Arun. I had my own doubt you may not come to my place." I took opportunity to beat her once again sarcastically.
"Why" she asked.
" It is very simple that I may ask you very embracing questions."
"Since when something embracing has come between our friendship." She asked me.
"Since you did something without consulting me" I further clarified.
"It is always your privilege to ask me and nothing is secret from you" said Panchali with moisty eyes.
" Thanks " I said in very mild word.
"Aru whether you ask me or not I am going to tell you everything because you are my brother. You had help me to come out from my marriage problem and now you have to help your sister to come out from the present crisis."
" I am sorry my dear sister for very rude with you. " I applozised her.
She started crying and tears were rolling like small diamonds from her beautiful eyes. She started sobbing heavily and could not stop her emotional outburst. I went near her and took her hand in my hand to give her my shoulder to cry. She put her head on my head on my shoulder and went on crying loudly. Arjun who was silent also came and started pacifying her. He told her in a emotional voice" Panchali please keep some patience. Now Aru will take care of all our problems."
"Dear friend let her cry to relieve herself from misery."
Madhvi please get her one glass of water." I requested my wife.
Meanwhile I supported Panchali and ask her to sit on nearby chair. I took out my hanky and started wiping out tears from her eyes.
Madhvi brought her glass of water and gave it to her and said, " Everything will be alright. Please do not worry. Arun will do his best to find a way-out."
Everything will be alright but things will never be same" said Panchali in emotional voice.
"You leave it to me. Let's have dinner. Madhvi has prepared lot of dishes in the honor of both of you. Lets give justice to the food" I told them and changed the topic.
"I am sorry Madhvi. I have given you lot of trouble," said Panchali
" No more formalities. Aru's pleasure is always my pleasure. He is very fond of his friends. He has lot of sentiments and attachment with all of you. He has been always talking about his golden period of friendship with you." Said Madhvi.
" Arun you are very lucky to have such a loving, loyal, and beautiful wife," said Panchali giving her compliments.
I am always lucky in every manner having lovely sister like you and good friends like Arjun, and Karan." I replied her emotionally.
"Guys I am now very hungry. Where is food?" Asked Arjun.
"It is already served on the table," said Madhvi.
I lead our guest to dinning table and shouted unconsciously " karan your sister-in- law has prepared a sweet which you like the most" and took bowl of sweet made from carrot in my hand. Every one was staring at me with surprise look including my wife Madhvi. I show Arjun was sitting next to Panchali.
I realized that I have committed blunder. On realizing my mistake I said "Friends I am sorry."
Do not be sorry we all miss him. This is a first time that we are having a dinner without him." Arjun said in an emotional tone. I immediately put sweet bowl on table and extended my hand on his hand to counsel him. I felt hot drops fall on our hands. I show Panchali was crying and she was bowing down in order to extend one of her hand on our hand and in doing so her tears fall on our hands. It was a very tragic moment.
"What are you doing? You are here to eat. What is going on? All will take their seats. I am going to serve you the food." Madhvi said
We are sorry "I told her and started giving the justice to delicious food cooked by Madhvi.
We changed the topic and remembered our old good time along with the food.
10)Indra Dhanush
(The Collection of Short Stories)
11)'Oh America Tara Be Chahera Part-1'
12)'------------"------------- Part-2'
(The Touring experiences of America)
Oh America
It was end of the 1990 when first time I was on the way to ‘USA’. We were travelling by Egyptians airline and were suppose to change the plane at Cairo. Accordingly we were kept in transit in Cairo. We were to take another plane for New York via London. My wife committed small error and entered the bus without showing her boarding card and passport. The said bus was to carry us to the aircraft for boarding. The security officer took her task without showing the minimum courtesy to lady passenger. She immediately rectified her mistake and showed them required documents but officer was still angry. However they ask for our passport and tickets along with other passengers when we boarded the bus. We enquired with them ‘when they are supposed to return our documents.’ However they were not giving specific reply. Ultimately they told ‘You may collect those documents at New York. We were very much agitated and under tension as we were deprived of very important documents which were required for our entry in USA’. However some of the passenger were trying to pacify us by explaining that it is done in our best interest.’ Thereafter some body informed me that our plane is going to halt for one hour at ‘Paris’. Incidentally they wanted to control the movement of the passenger so that they may not get down at Paris, and go for a change in the transit lounge during the halt. However all these argument did not convinced me. However their airline staff was kind enough to help us on London and New York airports for completing other formalities.
Our plane started flying towards North Pole instead of flying across Atlantic Ocean. I was told that flying towards north and to come down to south on American continent is a short cut and safe. Besides that our plane was flying near to the coastline.
I inquired with the pilot why he is flying near to the coastline.
‘We are advised to fly keeping one-hour distance from the land for technical reasons’ he replied very politely. However it was a pleasure to fly over Greenland on daytime. The green land and all surrounding area were looking very beautiful from above. Some of the rays of sun were reflecting back from the icy land, which was creating very beautiful scene to watch.
We landed at New York airport in a very chilly weather. We were asked to ware very heavy coat in order to protect our selves from cold.
I put my first feet on the eastern coast of America and started understanding the America practically. I show at the cross section of roads how American volunteers use to help school children, old, seniors and disables. How they have made arrangement for disables at parking places to lifts and restaurants to even bathrooms.
It shows their concerns for weak. It was a new thing for me because I have seen all those sectors of society is neglected in our country. I then realized that eventhough America do not have long history and civilization to talk about like our country, but they do have qualities to be proud of like freedom, justice, humanity, decepline and urge to do hard work. Even average American is very friendly to outsiders. I have experienced that some time Indian who meet us on the road may pass without wishing fellow Indians but even stranger American will say ‘Hi ‘without hesitation. This is not to criticize our people but to appreciate American’s one of their qualities.
However I will never forget one of the unfortunate Indians whom I met on the street of queens which is one of the suburbs of New York. We were coming out of ‘shahin’ restaurant after enjoying the Indian dishes of bhelpuri, tikki chat etc. One Indian brother was waiting out side and requested us to show the way to some temple or gurudwara wherein he can have a shelter for night. He said I had not taken food since long time. He was literally begging.
‘How you have landed to this condition? I asked him
‘I had brought some cash from India but some body took away my beg from the bus station.’ He said.
I was yet to convince about his story. Meanwhile my sister paid him ten to fifteen dollars and said ‘ you can have some food from this restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is seems to be Indian and he may be able to give you direction of your shelter place.
I asked her ‘what was a hurry?’
‘He is our Indian brother. He is begging in a foreign country. He has no reason to say lies unless and until he is in serious trouble.’ She explained me. Meanwhile I could see that fellow has already left.
I was deeply touched by the generosity of my sister for stranger.
It was good sign that one Indian helps another Indian in the time of need. I thought it is improvement of our vision due to American culture to help a person in a need eventhough he may be a stranger. Besides that it was one of the rays of hope for unity of Indian American community in America.
It also reminded me that several Indians are coming to America for making their dream true but some of them may be very unfortunate like a gentleman I came across in the queen. Even recently after one decade, one of my friends met one Indian, who was begging in the street of Sanfrancisco. He helped him. However much desired to be done by Indian community in this regard.
New York
We were staying in the fortly, which is in the New Jersey State but is very near to Manhattan, New York. We could even travel by bus to New York. Therefore we took maximum opportunity to visit New York on our own.
If you walk on the street of NewYork you reminded of Bombay. You will find lot of stalls on both sides of the streets, which are mostly run by Indians. You find such scenes on Linking Road or Grant Road, the suburbs of Bombay. I went to one of the stalls and found one Indian sited there. I was homesick those days and asked him ‘what is your name?
‘I am a brahmabhatt from Nadiad. I am here since 15 years. Most of these stalls are own by Indians.’ He replied and become very friendly. He described the condition of business and informed me that they can make both ends meet from this small business. I was happy that a people from India could adjust and earn their lively hood anywhere in the world. Even in adverse conditions.
It was very windy and cool when we visited Central Park. We were warring heavy coat in order to face the cold weather. However my wife needed woolen scarf for covering her neck and head. We were in search of it. We came across one vender on the street who quoted six dollars for the same. The price was on high side. Therefore we requested him to reduce the price. He smiled and said ‘ That is final.’ I knew very well that in ordinary course we could have got it even in three dollars. We have to pay his price as we have no choice. I think he was doing business at right time and right place. It was question of demand and supply. I learnt from that you do any business looking the right time and right place then you can make lot of money compare to normal conditions.
We gave full one day for Alice Island, statue of liberty and world trade center.
Since 1892 Alice Island was an entry point for all immigrants to America. In the old time many immigrants form various countries of Europe use to come to America for fulfilling their future dreams. They use to be admitted in America from Alice Island, if they are found medically fit. In the process many hearts broken people have to return as they were denied entry into America. The island was closed for the immigration purpose from the year1954 and was reopened for public in the year 1990 as a museum regarding immigration. There is no doubt that island has historical importance. About 1,60,00000 people had obtained immigration through this island’
Once we visited statue of liberty. We took boat from Battery Park to reach the world famous statue. France presented the statue to America. Therefore there is an impact of France revolution and ideals thereof on USA. It was installed on 28th October 1886 and was also renovated in the year 1996 0n the completion of one hundred years. It can be clearly seen in the harbor of New York as its height is of 24 story’s building. The base is tall up to ten story’s building. You can go in the lift up to 10 story’s and remaining portion has to be climbed up. It is a very stiff and we were breathing very heavily when we reached on the top.
I could see from head of statue that one American girl was coming up and was breathing very heavily.
‘Hey you are very young. How that you are breathing so much?’ I said jocularly when she climbed top. It was a challenge to her youth and replied ‘ Not at all.’ She replied and tried her best to control her breathing with smile.
My visit to world trade center was very memorable and I am sorry that I will never be able to visit again those gorgeous towers, as they are no more. It was a pride of New York and its important thereof has realized more after the terrorist attack on them on 11th September 2001. We had had gone up to the observation gallery on its 107th floor. We could see from their whole New York. Besides that through I could see statue of liberty, Alice islands and bridges which join the New York with main land. The borderlines of state of ‘Newjercy’ and Connecticut were also visible on the otherside.
The world center was accommodating more then 1200 offices with 50000 people working therein. It is very unfortunate and tragic that the world trade center which was land mark of New York was opened in the month of April 1973 was brought down on the 11th September 2001 by terrorist attack and the it survived only for more than quarter century.
I could see that America is giving more important to education. All schools are well planed on the big land with all facilities. They are generally having very big play ground around the schools. It also has running track, tennis court, and some time small stadium to held all type of sports. In short they try to create healthy atmosphere for study.
I visited Long Island where my brother is living. It is joined with New York through three bridges out of which Brookline is the main. It is120 miles long and about thirty to forty mile in breath. My brother stays in woodblock complex in the middle of Long Island. Beside that there was school nearby which were having very good infrastructure facilities like playground running track etc.
I also found people are also very conscious about health. I have seen on the off time of school even seniors were running on that track. Americans also cooperate to keep every thing clean. I visited the sea beaches running around the Long Island, which are very clean. You will not find any garbage on the beach. The healthy surrounding always helps to keep body and mind healthy. Therefore America is one of the healthiest countries in the world.
We had opportunity to visit Hartford as one of my youngest sister’s stays in East Granby, which is a suburb of Hartford. Hartford is in Connecticut State and it is corporate headquarters of many insurance companies of America. We can reach Hartford from New York in about two and half-hours.
We started for Hartford from fortelee on the road, which run along the bank of Hudson River. It is a very scenic and pleasant drive. There are resting and relaxation places from where you can see the sky scrappers of Manhattan. The river water was also very clean and there was lot of greenery in the surrounding area. It is adding the beauty of area. We crossed the Tipanzi Bridge from which we could see the last glimpses of skyline of New York. It was the most memorable sight.
The are many golf courses around, which makes this place more pleasant. The golf courses are situated in a hilly area, which are going up and down. We passed through those beautiful pastures and ultimately reached to our destination.
We also visited more then one hundred-year-old railway ‘Trolley Museum.’ We also traveled in the train, which was pulled by one hundred-year-old steam engine. It was very exiting travel. However most important thing is to be noted that ‘How American people are eager to preserve their past.
Hartford is like all big cities of America and its downtown is typical of American style and that too with lot of sky scrappers.
We also visited and stayed in ‘Newington’ one of the another suburb of Hartford.
One of our relative’s Gautam was staying in the said area. Besides that one of the guests of Gautam was also present when we visited his place. She was very vocal she started describing her bad experiences in America. She said ‘ Sponsors are very unreasonable in America. They expect you to comply with all their unreasonable and irrational instructions. They treat you some time like bonded labor. Therefore people who are comfortable and well established in India should never come to America.’ I was little bit in embracing situation and as well as my host Gautam. However I have now moved to lot of places in America and have gain additional experiences. I now feel that her outburst then was not to discourage us but to caution us against the adverse situation, which we may face in America. I must be frank that I have never faced such situation but exception does not prove the rule.
Once we went to the one of our relatives and he showed us his house including her daughter’s room. We could see those lots of posters of Hollywood stars were pasted on the wall. Our host was in uncomfortable position, as we were looking those posters. He said ‘ I should not have brought you here without her permission. That is a system here.’ I smiled at him. However I could not understood whether he was guilty for braking American system, or he was in an embracing position as an Indian father. The first time I came across the conflict of two cultures.
In one case my host son was weeping when his father failed to open the door quickly and that too pressing of doorbell. The young boy of hardly four felt humiliated for not giving him due importance and respect by his parent. I felt that it is a result to two much self-respect and freedom being taught in American schools but without teaching them patience and respect for their parents. However in such an adverse cultural contradiction also I have found some Indians with understanding and of helpful nature. I have seen some of my hosts use to be very busy but they had spent their lunch or extra time for taking us around. I am always grateful to them.
I was staying with one of my relatives who was working with the seven eleven and which was also own by his very close relatives.
I got very good experience to meet much section American society.
I found Americans are very informal and they will become friendly with strangers in a very short time. I went on the week end time where I found they use to come to buy their requirements for weekend enjoyment. Besides that they are also fond of lotto ticket (i.e. lottery ticket). The average American buys it before going their home. This is a sign, which shows that they are always optimistic about their luck and life. You can also observe that they can earn money and spend the same for enjoying the life. Their whole economy is based on credit than saving.
I observed one old man who appeared to veteran was coming frequently to the store for buying one or other things. He use to even drink coffee in between. It may be his good passing time. I understand he was staying with his grandson. His grandson use to ring ups the store for asking his grandpa to bring certain items. This also shows that the position of senior and elder people is not good. Some time even their nearest one may be exploiting them. However I have found that in American society generally elders are living lonely life away from their children.
Once I was sitting with the owner of the ‘seven eleven’ with my host. One Indian young man came there with one American. I could find from their presentation that they were from insurance company. They were promoting their insurance scheme. However I just inquired with that Indian that ‘ how he has landed in this business.’
‘ Sir I am a chemical engineer and was working some company in Boston. I have been laid of recently and then I was job less. My American friend offered me this job thinking that I may be useful in promoting his insurance policies to Indian businessman.’ He replied.
I wished him all the best in his new job. However I appreciated his flaxibilities in changing the job which you rarely find in India. Besides that I saluted that American who has a capacity to use best of the man. I realized that this could only happen in America. Therefore America is the most prosperous country in the world.
I had also opportunity to attend Christmas party at Hartford along with my host. It was organized at the place of one of the Indian motel owners. I will say it was a pizza party with drinks. Indians from all walks of life attended it. The witty but vulgar jokes were cracked during the party. This is also one of the way Indians have found to relax from hard life of America.
I use to go for walk along with my wife at East Grabby near Hartford. We hardly found anybody on the road. We heard barking of dogs from the close houses. It was very scary situation. I will quote one of the Gujarati writers in this connection.
‘We do not find any shouting or noises in the western countries. It makes us uneasy. We can only hear the some noise of refrigerator. That also can be heard for short time. There is only one similarity between the voice of our cat here and abroad.’ I have to add that even dog barking is also similar.
I had opportunity to meet one aged American lady when I visited my sister’s house at east granny. She was a nebour and she invited us to her house out of courtesy.
She talks to me on many subjects including her memories of childhood. She was a child of Dutch parents and she had spent her most of the childhood in Indonesia with them. It is wellknown fact that Indonesia was a Dutch colony and her parents had all privilege of ruling race. They had big house and lot of servants for looking after their comforts. She remembered her luxurious life with her parents. We know how Britishers use to enjoy in India during their colonial rule. However during Second World War Japan attacked Indonesia and occupied it. Thereafter the Dutch people were treated very badly. She was very bitter about it. They were forced by circumstances to leave Indonesia and sailed to USA. She landed on American shore with her parents without any resources. It is a same story that they have to work hard for settling down in America. In short I heard from horse mouth how immigrants settle down in America. She also said she has to work hard for bringing up her son, who is doing very well as a sales manager in local newspaper. She lives alone but occasionally her son come with his family and stay with him. Her sister from Holland also visits her. I could see that she was living lonely life most of the time. That is how I concluded that it is an average life style of elder American. They live some time in golden cage but without any nearest one near by.
I could also see that she was very much impressed about India and its culture. She showed her inclination to visit India once in her lifetime.
It was a longest and the most interesting discussion with the first American during my said tour.
13) Bhina Ditha Prabhuna Lochaniya'
The Touring experiences of India.
14) Rajashri Morarji Desai
15) Shiyalunu Gulab
(The political Biography of Morarji Desai, Former Prime Minister of India)
Some of the Chapters from my book 'ROSE OF AUTUMN'
Russi Karanjia the editor of one of the wellknown weekly publish from Bombay said ' People may criticize Morarjibhai on his policy or ideological conviction but nobody will believe it if some body doubt his patriotism. This was stated when Samuel Harsh mentioned him as a CIA agent in his book' Price of Power'. It is a wellknown fact that Russi Karanjia was a communist and a political enemy of Morarjibhai.
His another political opponent Mrs. Indira Gandhi the Ex- Prime Minister of India told to the parliament of India during the split of congress party ' Morarjibhai is like Bhismapita of 'Mahabharat 'who is unfortunately to day on a wrong side. That was a tribute to the most respected political leader of India by then Prime Minister of India. She once pronounced him as a gentleman.
Atal Bhihari Bajpai the Former Prime Minister of India has given him very rich tribute through one of his poems-
I have seen Morarjibhai in power
And as a man who stick to the truth
I have seen him fully involve in the work
And some time very near to death
Some time I had seen him siting on the front Benches of parliament
And some time as a backbencher
I have also seen him facing the attack of opposition
And occasionally giving them very sharp reply
I have seen him in victory
And as well as in defeat.
The Ex- President of India and wellknown philosopher Dr S Radhakrishna has said that ' The people are well aware of the Morarjibhai's patriotism and loyalty towards friends. His character is our greatest asset. The another ex -President of India Dr Jakkir Hussein was an admirer of Morarjibhai. He said ' Morarjibhai is one of the faithful followers of Mahatma Gandhi. Simple living and high ideals are the main aims of his life and he is practicing hard to achieve the same.'
In the old-time there was one film magazine named 'MOTHER INDIA', which was edited and owned by Mr. Baburao Patel. He was very much critical of Morarjibhai because of his strict policy towards film industry in Bombay. Morarjibhai had imposed Censor Board on the film industry because he considered it very powerful media, which can influence the society adversely if it does not observe proper discipline. Mr. Baburao Patel was very angry with Morarjibhai and he uses to criticize him very badly. He said' He is disgustingly healthy' looking at his excellent Health that too at that advance age. It was the best complement from his worst criticfor his healthy and charming personality.
The Ex- President of India Mr. V. V. Giri whose candidature had created split in the congress party and who was opposing Morarjibhai politically had given him the best tribute. He said ' Morarjibhai is leaving the immortal impression on the progress of our country as a Matured Parliamentarian, able administrator, and as an ideal politician.
Mr. D F Karaka who was the then editor of weekly 'Current' said'He is a Bull of Bulsar' that was a very good tribute for his strong personality.
Mr. Sharad Pawar who was once defense minister of India and former chief minister of maharashta said 'Morarjibhai is always guiding force for him like Lighthouse. Whenever I use to face any difficult problem as a chief minister I use to refer the remarks made on file by then chief minister Morarjibhai on that particular problem. I use to act accordingly. These also prove that morarjibhai was an able administrator.
The wellknown Gujarati writer Mr. Gunvant Shah is a great admirer of Mr. Desai. He has discusses many so-called weaknesses of Mr. Desai. He believed that it was impossible for any one to conrol morarjibhai. Sometime it is impossible to please and control some person mentally in spite of using all methods. They cannot get it done any work, through him, which they desire. Therefore people label him as a pecular person. Many top leaders can be put in such category. However to degrade them some people use the word ' peculiar person' .As a matter of fact such persons are extraordinary persons and it is very difficult to understand them. According to that sense Morarjibhai may be pecular person.' Says Mr. shah. Mr. shah further says according to Bernard show ' The progress of this world is due to such pecular persons.' In short Mr. Shah wanted to say that whatever peculiarity being seen by other was making him as a unique personality and it was a symbol of progress. If he was Reserve, Stiff, Bitter, and Crude which was outcome of his bad and terrible experiences in life however Mr. Gunvant Shah goes further and says 'whoever has reached very near him has observed him very loving, and courteous. The question is how many had reached very near to him? Ask Mr. Shah. Very few people had been near to him. It is a phenomena where you do not brake the coconut and you cannot drink its sweet water.' added by Mr. Gunvant Shah. Mr. Desai himself said in his own words ' I make a show of stiffness in public and save my self. Some time People may take advantage of your emotions and make you suffer and cry.' The said observations of Mr. Desai confirm the analysis made by Mr. Gunvant Shah.
Therefore Morarjibhai was trying to be very strict and aloof when he was in power. He was making show that he was not emotional so that no body can exploit him. This shows that his inner face was very loving, emotional, courteous, and noble.
Michael Breacher has said in his book 'Succession in India' that 'Nehru had a very good respect for his capacity to rule.'Mr Desai had sacrificed and covered up his internal noble qualities in the process of building up his image as a able administrator.
In context of above whatever is being believed and said about him adversely is a great injustice to his personality.

Moarjibhai was very clear in his view because he had studied most of subjects in detail. Therefore he was an able administrator. During freedom struggle, he had study more than one dozen books in jail on socialism. He had read those books on socialism in order to know up to what extent it is suitable and digestible by Indian culture. Every country has to apply the political ideology, which suits its requirements. It is wellknown facts that country like China and Yugoslavia had accepted their own version of communism a different from Russia and mixed with their nationalism and culture. Accordingly he believed that India should accept ideology suitable to its requirements.
He was for adopting best of the capitalism and communism.
Once he had asked Russian President sarcastically looking at the multistoried and tall building in Moscow 'You do not seems to have any poor man in your country. Therefore you are wasting your money for constructing high rise building.' He was an admirer of American prosperity but was worried about their love for materialism and mental problems arise thereof.
He was against the communism because they were for concentration of power. He opposed the communist policy, which is against 'GOD' and religion. He firmly believed that 'the changes can be brought only through peaceful means and it cannot be brought by force and violence. 'The dictatorship or autocracy in any form can convert man into animal because it does not give any freedom for criticism. Therefore he wanted to create society which is suitable to India and its culture.
However he could never imagine the world without the existence of God. Once former prime minister of Russia Mr. khruschove told him sarcastically that 'God 'has told me not to believe in thy existence'.
'I am happy with your statement that atleast you recognize the existence of God.' He replied him with a smiling face and in a very soft voice. This shows that he had a great faith in in God. Therefore once he said ' Pandit Jawaherlal would have been the greatest man in the world, if he had faith in a God. He was very lonely man eventhough he had full control over people.' He believed that by recognizing the existence of God man always increase's will power. The faith in God also exerlate the internal development of the Man. He had imagined the society, which is based on internal and external development of the human race.
He had a tremendous faith in democracy. He believed that democracy mean a rule of law based on protection of fundamental right of individual. Therefore it can only build up the fearless society. He also believed that the proper control over power and money could be exercise in democracy only. 'No program can be successful in the society, which is full of fear.'he said.
He further said that ' farming and education are two important factors in the development of society. He believed that for the economic and spiritual prosperity of the country farming and education are very important factors. Once he was asked by newsman.'which profession you like the most if you would have been not in politics?'
'I wanted to be teacher' he replied quickly. It shows how much importance he was giving to education.
He use to keep certain amount of his income aside for assisting the poor and needy students. Besides that he wanted to see that clever student does not suffer for wants of fund. He use to see that 'loans' are return by the student promptly so that funds may be available to other needy students. One Dr Ashok shah wanted to go to USA for further study and he wrote a letter to Morarjibhai for help. Morarjibhai was a finance minister of India at that time. Mr. Desai was unable to help him from government sources at that time but he immediately sent him Rupees Two Thousands from his personal fund. He also guided him how he can procure a loan from private trusts. Dr shah could proceed to USA because of Mr. Desai's help and he became successful doctor in USA. He was very grateful to him and he wanted to return his money. Morarjibhai advised him to see that whenever he gets opportunity he should try to help the persons who are in such needs. He further advised him to keep helpful nature so that the torch of education continues. He had helped so many such needy students without giving any publicity to it. He considered the spreading of education is one of his main aim and mission of life. It can be seen from the above that how much importance he use to give to education. He was a Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapith, which was established by Mahatma Gandhi to propagate his Buniyadi education philosophy. He use to visit Vidyapith during convocation once a year for sevendays. He use to occupy very important ministerial position even during said period. He use to mix with academic staff and students during such visit in order to discuss their problems and for giving them guidance thereof. He did visited Vidyapith accordingly when he was primeminister. One of the journalists asked him' whether it is proper for you to waste so much time in Vidyapith as a Primeminister?'
'Incidentally I am a Primeminister today, but my main mission of life is education.' He replied him very clearly.
Besides that he use to give religious discourses in the evening on the various religions of the world during the prayer meetings. It was a part of his meeting the people and to educate them for their internal development. He firmly believed that education is a very powerful instrument to remove inequality from the Society. He said' It is an education only which makes people conscious of protecting the right of others.
'If people's opinion is not in their interest then it is my duty to lead them to right path as a leader instead of surrendering to it. ' He said very clearly. He believed that if people have put faith in a leader then he should use it in the interest of them. The true leader always leads not being led. There is very good instance in this regard. He was attending one program at Baroda wherein he was facilitated. The people were enjoying the refreshment at the end of the reception. The another program was also going on nearby school and they started playing 'National Anthem. ' He stood immediately on hearing the 'National Anthem 'and other people who were taking refreshment were also compelled to join with him. He wanted that in any circumstances people should not insult 'National Anthem'. He told his host that' Any country that does not respect their 'National Anthem 'may endanger their independence. You all were standing when I came in order to respect me. However our 'Country 'and 'National Anthem' are greater then me. We must not forget to respect it.'He pointed out the mistake of those people very humbly i.e. continuing with refreshment while 'National Anthem 'is being played and heard. He had always sacrificed his leadership for the interest of people.
The virtue of 'self respect' he inherited from his father. He was ready to sacrifice any powerful position for his self-respect. He was one of the leaders who had remained in politics with self-respect. Therefore he refused to bow down any human being other than 'God'. He said 'God' is a supreme power in this world. We are supposed to do duty and leave fruits in thy hands. We should have complete faith in 'God' and always bow down before 'Thy'. We should never flatter anybody in order to make our work easy because in the process it kills our conscious.
He could recite the whole 'Gita' because he had digested the preaching of 'Gita' in his life. He said that ' It is human psychology, which out of inquisity creates fear of going to unknown place. However people should do good work and they must expect to go good place. You should always think that death would take you to the place of your liking. Then it will help you to remove the fear of death. In short man should be immune of fear of death.' He further believed that ' Person's get fruits of his own deeds. Therefore he was against the wrong means used by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The rise and tragic end of Mrs. Indira Gandhi has only justified the above contention. He believed that one should take responsibility that comes in a natural way and need not run away from it. One may go through happiness, peace, and pain according to his deeds. He further believed that the rebirth is always for going through of remaining deeds. The phenomenon of rebirth continues because of not going through fully with the fruits of one's deeds. However he said that 'Gita' has shown three ways for searching the truth in life. They are through 1) knowledge, 2) devotion, 3) work i.e. karma. Morarjibhai believed that the karma marg is the best for this worldly people.
He had a very good respect for women. It was his belief that ' Indian culture , which gives more importance to high character, is a gift from Women of India.' He further believed that 'Men in India have always exploited Women by considering them inferior. They treated them like a bonded labor. It is a wrong belief that women are inferior then man. As a matter of fact man has created war and brought distruction in the world. Therefore women should be considered superior than men. He was a supporter of Vedic view that 'Wherever women are respected ' God ' resides there.'
He was against manufacturing atomic weapons because it is against our peaceful and nonviolence policies. Besides that it can divert money meant for development to the defense. In short his opposition was based on Economical and policy grounds.
He believed that freedom of press is necessary in order to control the Rulers, but that right should not be converted into irresponsible journalism. He wanted that press should behave impartially and exercising self-control. He wanted to privatize radio and TV so that they are not misuse by Rulers. The 'Prassar Bharati 'Bill was drafted and was ready for presenting in the Parliament and meanwhile his government falls and it could not be passed.
His was for free economy and was against the state control.
He was for controlling only those things only, which can help economically weak people. He believed that too much interference by the government would always obstruct the development of the country.
He uses to be very simple in his approach with everybody. The people who were near to him were very much impress with his internal quality of heart. He was very soft and loving with all the people associated with him in politically or personally.
Former Defense Minister of India and his political disciple Shri Y. B. CHAVAN had given him befitting tribute to his political mentor as under' My political life is formulated on the values which were practiced by you. It was not easy but I have made honest efforts to strictly follow the same. Eventhough I have been not successful in the same because I have sofar not reached to your level of maturity. ' This shows that his internal fineness has even touched his political follower.
In the 1954 the Russian Prime Minister khruschove was visiting
Bombay. The linguistic riots were going on those days in Bombay. However when khruchove arrived there was total peace in the city and he was received very well. He asked Mr. Desai ' Day before yesterday there was disturbances here. How could you manage to organize this peaceful welcome for me?' `This is a result of democratic tradition' he replied him without boasting for his administrative ability. Kruschove was very much pleased with his answer because indirectly he told him how democracy was superior then autocratic communism. He handed over the permit for liquor on the airport, as there was prohibition in the Bombay State. However khruschove returned the permit giving him congratulation for the prohibition and added ' I will be very happy if we can do so'.
Khruschove said further' It is our policy to maintain good relations with those who is good to us'. 'It is easy to keep good relation with good people but it if we can maintain good relation with people of bad conduct then only we can truly claim goodness on our part. That is a difference between the policies of our two countries.' Mr. Desai replied
He believed that films are making great impact on public mind and therefore he formed censor board for films. However he knew the importance of film industry and use to keep very good relation with even film stars. He was having very good relation with film star like Dilipkumar and Rajkapoor. He had also very close relation with Prithviraj Kapoor a fatherly figure of then film industry.
Even Rajkapoor use to show him all his important films through special preview. Once he had arranged one special show of 'Jagte Raho' for him. He attended the said show in time and when they started the show there was darkness all around. He was looking out for Rajkapoor. He jocularly asked' where is 'Charso bis?
'Sir I am very much behind you' laughingly replied Raj Kapoor from behind. In those days Raj Kapoor was very much in love with Nargish. He wanted to marry her and his wife Krishna Kapoor was very much disturbed with the development. She left her house and use to stay in 'Nataraj Hotel' Bombay. She had complained to Morarjibhai through somebody. He requested Prithviraj Kappoor to advise his son suitably but he was helpless. Therefore he decided to call Raj Kapoor and to advise him suitably in the matter. When Raj Kappor received call from Morarjibhai and as he knew his strict nature. He was very much nervous and as he knew why he was call for. He took few pegs so that he can face him.
Morarjibhai understood the situation and he advised Raj to come when he is normal. However Raj Kapoor understood the silent hint given by him and matter ended thereof. Even Nargis also tried to meet him but his private secretary conveyed his view on their affairs. She decided not to proceed further in the matter. This shows that he was trying to help film people also in their family problems.
He had helped several unhappy wives of a very influential people in their domestic and family problem without giving any publicity. That was his greatness and the finest quality.
16) 'Rashtirya Neta Morarjibhai Desai Sathena Thodak Sanshmarano'
(On the quality of Leadership)
1) Leader must investigate personally before taking decision in any matter.
One day Morarjibhai brother wife complained against police for ill treatment being given to her in one of the traffic cases. He fired her telling that you want to take advantage of my position of Home Minister. However he took down the address of the police station from her. One day he suddenly visited that police station and found that things were not in order. He immediately ask police chief to inquire into the matter and punish those policemen who are at fault. This shows he always inquired personally in the matter before taking any action.
2)Let law takes own course
It was time of rationing of essential commodities in Bombay. Morarjibhai close family friend was taking some bags of sugar out of turn for his friends and relatives. He was intercepted by police and taken to police station. He threaten the policemen on duty that he knows Home Minister and they will be in trouble. The policeman on duty was very smart and immediately contacted Home minister's office. Morarjibhai hearing the facts issued instructions to the effect that 'Let law takes its own course'. However thereafter his relationship was effected adversely with his family friend. But he believed that law is same for everybody.
3)Leader must be friendly with all sectors of society and help them personally in case of need
Morarjibhai was having good relations with top film stars like Raj Kappor, Dilipkumar and others. Once Raj Kappor was on the verge of marring Nargis even though he was married. His wife left his house along with children in protested against the said marriage. She also complained to Morarjibhai who was a family friend. Morarjibhai was told by Pruthviraj Kapoor that his son is not listening him regarding his affair with Nargis. He summoned Raj Kapoor for suitable advise in the matter. Raj knew Morarjibhai and he was nervous when came to meet him. He was little bit drunk. Morarjibhai smiled and told him go back as he was not in proper senses. However Raj Kapoor under stood his signal and cancelled his idea of getting married to Nargis.
4) Leader should have Direct contact with people without having some one in between
Morarjibhai was Prime Minister in the (1977-1979) and it was not easy to meet him without appointment. Some of women leaders from Gujarat had come to Delhi to attend all India women convention. One of the leaders approached me to arrange for meeting with him. They were leaving New Delhi on the same day evening. I knew that it is impossible to get his appointment on that day. I requested those Ladies to come with me in my car to Prime Minister House where they can meet him during morning public appearance. They came with me and they met him. He was also very happy to meet them. However he called them aside and told them that he was available and ready to meet public at any time. Please do not think that you can meet me through my relatives only. He was for direct touch with the people without having anybody in between.
5) Leader should be role model in implementing laws
Morarjibhai was also very much fond of Marathi drama. Once he was attending the drama show. He was very much involve in the same. His peon Vithu appeared suddenly and showed him time. He got up looking at the time. He also instructed the organizers that ' Drama should be wind up as they have overshooted the priscribed time.' Besides that he immediately left the venue. He was Home minister then and had issued notification that all and Public Places should be closed by 10.00pm. He wanted to strictly follow the law as a role model.

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