Monday, October 12, 2009

It is a collection of short stories in English. It can be searched on which gives insight in the book.
One of a Stories from my book 'RAINBOW'
I Want to live
‘The CEO of ‘Wave Reading.Com’ William Smith is arrested on the charge of murdering his wife Norma and her boy friend Tommy who was a well known play boy of the social world.’ It was headline in the leading newspaper of the Silicon Valley. Rosemary had tears in her eyes. She murmured to her self ‘William I am sorry I could not save you. I should have acted fast on your mental problems. I depended too much on Dr Philips.’ The series of past events passed from her mind. She clearly remembered that one fine morning her boss William called him in his office as he had some problem and needed her help. His head was lying on the table and it appeared he was very sick.
‘Sir what is a problem? Are you all right.’ She asked
‘Rose I am not well. I mean I am mentally sick’ He told her in a very low voice to his secretary.
‘Are you kidding me? A man who is considered to be the most brilliant and outstanding CEO in the information technology is having a mental problem? A man who is working on ‘Reading of human mind through computer’ is mentally sick? Yeah boss you are fooling me.’ Said Rosemary.
‘ Dear you have been very near to me as a secretary. We have shared all success and failures to gather. Therefore I am taking this liberty. I am not well. Some strange creature is hunting me within. It comes to me any time and inciting me to do terrible thing. It ask why I have been not following its orders?’ said William with a fear on his face.
‘ What do that creature wants from you? Rosemary asked out of curiosity.
‘Inciting me to commit violent action. To commit homicide or to hit somebody. Dear I am very much scared.’ He said nervously.
‘Boss do not worry. I shall contact one of the best available psychiatrists of the Silicon Valley for curing your mental problem. I know Dr Philips Samuel very well. He also attended many of our seminars to extend help regarding the stress and strain in our high tech industry.’said Rose in order to pacify her boss.
This is secret between us. I have not told my wife even. It is a question of my career and future of our company.’ Said William.
‘Boss you need not worry. It will be my problem. I will see that you get the best medication and your mental problem is cured.’ Rosemary assures her boss.
‘Please see that to day’s all appointments are cancelled. I am not fit for my job. Said’ William.
‘ Yes boss we can do so. However CIA director was inquiring regarding the progress made by us on their project’ said Rosemary.
‘ Rose you know very well that I am not in position to discuss any matter at present.’ Said William in distressing tone.
‘Yes sir. As you wish.’ Said Rosemary.
‘ I am in lab. Please see that I am not disturbed.’ William got up and left the room.
Thereafter William was alone in the lab and was very unhappy. He could not bare the pain of his deteriorated relationship with his wife. He loved his family very much. He switches on the computer and started chat with it. He started feeding information regarding his wife as per requirements.
‘Yeah what are you doing? You want to brake the promise that you have given.’ Computer questioned him.
‘Forget it. I am helpless. I must know everything about my wife. She is behaving very strangely with me. I am very unhappy I must know.’ Asked William
‘Dear friend you are heading for trouble. Do not ask for it’
‘Do not worry my friend. I am ready to face trouble. It does not make any difference for me. Said William.
I am warning you and you do not want to hear.’ Said computer.
‘ Dear friend if I do not know then also I suffers. It is better to know and get relieved of all trouble.’ Said William.
‘It will not be end of your problem. It will bring disaster in your life. Said computer.
‘Please proceeds. I am ready and face the consequences.’ Replied William.
Thereafter William inserted his password and computer started releasing the secret.
‘Dear friend, your wife is treating you like idiot. She is not loyal to you. She never loved you. It is a Tommy who is her blue boy. She wanted and she wants to still marry him. Tommy had planned this entire trap for getting your wealth. Your marriage is a fraud. They may even eliminate you at appropriate time in order to get all your wealth.’ Said computer.
‘What about Marina, and Roger my kids?
‘Yeah William why do you ask such stupid question? Your kids are you’re botheration. Who cares?’Asked computer.
‘ Why do you talk in such filthy language?’ asked William.
‘Dear you are double graduate from Stanford in computer science. If I am not wrong you did your MBA in finance from Harvard University. How can you commit such foolishness to marry a society girl without verifying her credential? Asked computer.
‘Yeah, you are very rational. However you do not know that love is blind.’ Said William.
‘Dear, Why not to face reality?’Asked computer.
William was very wild. He throws his mouse and closes the computer. He could not face the humiliation at the hand of his own device or child. It was the first time some body has questions his intelligence and rationality. Besides that he was very much hurt by disloyalty of his beloved wife. He decided to take drastic action to teach her and her boy friend. He was very bitter when he left his lab. However he had already prepared a background for his action. He could not forget the bitter encounter he had with his wife.
She was very rude. She had taken the keys of the house with her in spite of knowing that kids will be returning from the school and will have to wait out until somebody take them in. William was furious when he show that they were loitering out side when he reached home. They were tired and hungry.
He realized something is wrong. He found a message from Tom for Norma on the answering machine instructing her to immediately proceed for the party. It was a demanding message. How Norma could tolerate such behavior. He could not control his anger when she returns late mid night.
‘How could you leave the house neglecting kids? He asked her in very bitter tone.
‘Why you are asking me such a stupid question? Are you not father? They could have contacted you.’ She said in very insulting tone.
‘ Hell with your party and friends. I will not tolerate the neglecting of children. Do get me? He asked her.
‘I am not maid of your children. You can not talk to me in this fashion.’ She challenged him
‘ What is wrong with you. You want to fight with me for your notorious friend Tommy’ he questioned her.
‘I am not going to tolerate your jealousy for him. I will separate from you if you go on misbehaving with me.’ She warned him.
He realized the matter is getting serious and it is going in wrong direction. It is better to retreat and to handle it diplomatically. He cool down told her
‘ Honey you could have ask me to come early in order to look after children.’
Said William in a very soft voice.
‘Ok I will do so now onwards’
She replied and went in her bed room showing very hard feeling. However William was not able to understand her strange behavior. He felt that she wanted to leave him on any petty pretext. Why? That was a question mark.
Therefore he has to surrender him self to computer. Besides that he also became sick mentally. However he has realized that she fooled him with the help of Tommy
‘ Bitch I will not leave you. I will give you such a punishment that it will be an example for the ratchet woman like you.’ He talked to him self. He was ready with line of action. However he has to find a way to get out of this entire problem very tactfully.
Meanwhile Rosemary had arranged an appointment with Dr Philips for William’s mental problems.
‘Hi William it is very surprising that you have come to me instead of I am visiting you. I understand that you are doing advance research for mind reading through hi tech. I have very pertinent cases regarding the same. I wanted some help from you.’ Said Dr Philips after greeting him.
‘Dr I do not know who is patient? Said William very sarcastically.
‘ I was talking to you incidentally. OK lets see what I can do for you. Rosemary has already given some information regarding your problem. However I wanted to know some details thereon? Asked Dr Philips.
‘ I get depression some time and feel very miserable. My mind becomes very venerable and weak during such period.’said William.
‘ OK just sit on this chair and tell me what happens thereafter? Asked Dr.
‘ Some things come up and take control of my mind. It hunts me several hours,’ replied William.
‘OK describe me what is it?’
‘Dr you will be surprised that before the mental attack I get several innovating ideas which help me professionally.’ Said William.
‘ Dear it is not abnormal. It is correlated to such complications.’said Dr very seriously.
‘OK let me know how do you feel during attack? Who takes the control of your self? Asked Dr.
‘I feel and can see some strange creature. It comes out of web with lot of scary and loud noises. It sometime comes from very powerful light or from mist of lightening like phenomena.’ Said William.
‘What do that creature wants from you? Asked Dr.
‘ He wants me to do something violent.’
‘What do you mean? Asked Dr.
‘Something like, Oh, it wants me to commit homicide.’ Said William very nervously.
‘ Do not worry. It is quit common in this type of mental complications.’ Said Dr
‘What is it? Tell me?’ begged William
‘Dear we call ‘schizophrenia’ in our language.’ Said Dr.

‘Oh my god! It is terrible. I do not know how I will be able to get out of this. Dr I want to live healthy and want to contribute more and more in scientific world.’ Said William very emotionally.
‘Do not get worry with the strange name of decease. I will give you medication, which will help you to control your self during such mental attack.’ Said Dr to pacify his VIP patient.
‘Please kindly send me a analysis of my mental ailment and medication thereof’ requested William.
‘Ok, do not worry I will take care. I do not want that world should loose most outstanding engineer. William is it fact that you are working on device through computer who can read the destructive thoughts of the people who are planning the undesirable and terrorist activities. Even agencies like CIA and FBI are financing you in your research? Dr Philips inquired.
‘Some of the things are very confidential on security point of view. I have no comment. Replied William very tactfully and said goodbye to Dr before he asks any further question.
In above context Rosemary was aware of the mental illness of her boss and treatment going on thereof. However she was upset that in spite of all treatment and medication thereof her boss could not control his mental impulses and killed his beloved wife and her boy friend Tommy. She never knew what happened on that night. That was different story.
It was a birthday party of his Norma. All most all VIP of the Silicon Valley were present. There was music and dance. The best food was served to the guest. Even rosemary enjoyed the party and great fun. She saw that William was very happy mood and enjoying the party with his beloved wife. One by one all guest left the party. Rosemary also left the party along with the guest. She never knew that she would have shocking news in the early morning. She could not believed what she read in the newspaper. What happened on that very late night no body knew.
‘ Dear you are our special guest as you are the best friend of Norma. I wanted to have some friendly chat with you after all leaves. William requested Tommy to wait.’
‘OK dear as you wish. Few minute more.’ Said Tommy who was high.
‘Hey darlings, what kids are doing? I think they may be sleeping tight.’ Inquired William with Norma.
‘Let me checkup in their room.’ Said Norma and went to check up.
Meanwhile William pours another drink to the Tommy.
‘Yes honey they are at sleep.’
‘ Did you close their door? They may be disturbed with our talk.’ Asked William in order to make sure that they are not disturbed.
‘Yes rest assured. I have close their room door.’ Said Norma apathetically.
‘That’s it.’ Said William. And ask Norma to take sit on the big dinning table. ‘Hey guy why don’t you join with us. It is going to be grand closing of norm’s birthday party.’ Said William.
‘Why not? Said Tommy and took sit along with Norma on the other side of table. William sat on the other end of the table. He asked ‘don’t you feel that it is like court wherein judge and accuse sit against each other.’
‘What do you talk? Are you high? It is better we close for a day.’ Said Norma.
‘ No dear I am quite all right. Please answer my questions. If you answer correctly and truly the sentence will be lenient.’ Replied William.
‘ Is it true that you married to me for my wealth and not out of love?’ asked William to Norma.
‘Who told you?’ Norma asked counter question.
‘ Say YES or NO. If tell lies the punishment will be severe.’
‘ What has happened to you? Have you gone crazy? Asked Norma.
‘I mean business’ and he took out his gun and put on the table. He warned further ‘ I want answer in yes or no’ and he pointed gun at her.
What are you doing? She shouted out of fear.
‘Yes or no.’ He asked her again in commanding tone.
‘ It is not fact’ she said and he fired at her legs. She started bleeding.
‘ You liar. I will kill you.’ He again pointed gun at Norma. Tommy started making some move out of fear.
‘Tommy stays on your seat. Do not move. I will kill you.’ William warned Tommy.
Meanwhile Norma was nervous. William fires another shot at her another legs and that one also started bleeding.
‘I will kill you if you do not tell me truth’ said William.
‘ Please do not kill me. I will tell you the truth’ She begged and said ‘ ‘Tommy had planned everything in order to get your money. We were in love but he had no resources to maintain our selves.’ She confessed.
‘ Therefore you destroyed my life. You never cared for your children. You never thought what would happen to them. You bitch you have committed crime against children and me. I will not leave you.’
He was shivering with anger. He pointed gun at her chest and fired. She was begging and trying to save her self by moving but she was unable to get up. Her legs were already affected very badly. He fired another shot and her movement was stooped. She was more or less dead. Tommy understood the situation and he begged.
‘William forgives me. It is all over. She is dead.’he said.
‘ Dear friend it is not over. You have destroyed my family life. How can you get away? You rascal take it.’ And fire several shot at him and finished all remaining bullets. Tommy was bleeding heavily from chest and collapse in his chair.
‘My work is over. I have killed those rascals. What I have done? And he started crying loudly. He went to Norma and kissed her as token his love for her. He could not see the scene and he closes head in two hands and sat on the table. There was nobody to hear his sobbing except two dead bodies. After sometime after his sobbing subsided and he came to his real senses. He got up from his chair and rang up police.
‘ I am speaking from 15, South Avenue, My name is William Smith. Horrible thing has happened. Some body has killed my wife and her boy friend Tommy Decussate. Will you please----and he cut the phone. The police arrived immediately. They took possession of bodies and taken William into custody for further investigation. William contacted his friend Robert who is attorney and asked him to come to police station for help.
‘William do not talk to them without consulting me. However please
Let me know how police came to your place? How they came to know? Asked Robert to William.
‘I informed them that something terrible has happened.’ Replied William.
‘That is good. Meanwhile keep mum.’ Said Robert.
‘They are repeatedly asking me who can kill your wife and her boy friend?
William informed Robert whatever transpired between him and police.
‘You have to state that you do not remember anything, as you were not to your senses. You had called police as soon as you came to know that something terrible had happened.’ Advised Robert.
‘Yea guy you are kidding us. You had grand party. Thereafter all left except three of you. You are the only survivor. If you have not killed them then you must produce the evidence that who else did it? Mr. William all circumstantial evidence is going against you. Please tell us frankly what happened? Asked inspector Al Washington.’
‘Inspector I have told you every thing which I know’ said William
‘My dear friend I am sorry we have to charge you for first degree murder.’ Inspector said in angry tone.
‘Why don’t you believe Me.’ begged William.
However police was not ready to believe the statement of William.
They come to conclusion that he is not telling the truth. Therefore he was charged with first degree murder of Norma and Tommy.
The public prosecutor Mr. Thomas clearly submitted to the court that
‘ Mr. William is a very intelligent guy. He is the most brilliant scientist. However he has to be responsible citizen. He can not say that he does not know any thing about what happened on that night. He was present at the time of crime. He should produce that guy along with evidence, if he knows that some one else had committed those murders. However under the circumstantial evidence three persons were present on that night. Therefore it is very clear that Mr. William has committed the said murders. The accused had a reason to commit the murder. He must have come to know that his wife had illegitimate relationship with Tommy. Besides that he was deeply hurt due to the disloyalty to his wife. Therefore he planed the murders of his wife and her boy friend very meticulously and in a cold blooded manner. In view of above I recommend him a death sentence.’
The court requested thereafter Mr. Robert Main the defense lawyer to present his case.
‘ Honorable judge and members of the Jury. We must know that we are here to determine the fate of most distinguished son of the Silicon Valley. He is not only asset to high tech but evens to general public. Even CIA and FBI have given him very important research work to protect security of the country against the terrorist movement. It is a greatest crime to send such person to gallows. This is a sensitive document and a request letter from our government to save his life. It is very clear from what stated by my client that he did not committed the crime and he does not know any thing about who committed the crime.’ Said Robert.
‘Mr. Robert you have be responsible. Do not waste the time of the court by repeating the matter. It does not become truth by repeating the lies. Please stick to the main point and present further evidence if any.
I have reasons to believe that accuse is the sole murder in this crime until and unless you produce a new evidence.’ Judge said very curtly’
‘Sir this is a new evidence we have to produce’
And he presented the paper.
‘ Oh my God! He is suffering from ‘schizophrenia’! Judge shouted
‘Yes sir, I have attached herewith a certificate from Dr Philips. Said Robert.
‘What do you want say now?’ asked Judge Monty.
‘ Sir, my client never knew anything about the crime’ said Robert.
‘What do you mean?’ asked judge.
‘ Sir when a person is suffering from such mental decease he is in a different world. He does not know what he is doing. In short he is not truly in his senses.’ Said Robert.
My dear friend, he is a very outstanding men. He may even receive noble prize for his latest research. How can you say that he is mentally sick.’ Judge asked.
‘Sir such genius is more venerable to such decease. Therefore I claim that my client is mentally sick. He never knew what he was doing, even if he has committed said crimes.
‘Ok what you have to say in the matter my dear friend.’ Judge Monty turns towards the public prolocutor.
‘ Sir we would like to examine Dr Philips. Besides that we would also like to reexamine accused by another specialist. We would also like to examine accused on this matter. Thereafter we would like examining accused personally in this matter.’ Said public prosecutor.
‘Ok I adjourn the court for one week in view of new development.’ And he passed the order accordingly.
Accordingly Dr Philips was produced as main witness by defense. However the public prosecutor objected the admission of Dr Philips as a witness of the defense. The judge asked government attorney.
‘I would like to know who is the best Dr who can be considered as a authority on the mental decease?’
‘Sir there can not be more competent Dr in such matter then Dr Phillips?’ replied the attorney.
‘Why should you object his opinion? It is not proper to question his integrity simply because he has been called by defense. The mental problem is a very complicated subject, which we do not know. I overrule your objection.’ The judge ruled it accordingly.
‘Sir I would like to examine the witness.’ Requested prosecution.
The judge Monty was very strict and precise to the point. He said request is granted. The public prosecutor wanted to brake the main witness whose opinion was very important to the case. He asked Dr Philips ‘sir when did accuse came to your clinic? ‘
‘It was nearly three month ago.’ He replied.
‘Can you describe what exactly transpired then? He asked.
‘ He complained that he is having a mental problem. He is getting nervous and some time he loose his balance. In order to control his mind he has to remain isolated for several hours. In the nighttime his minds was becoming more active and use to ask him to commit some violent type of activities. Somebody from web or some time from fire or sometime from lightening type of phenomena instigates him to do bad things. He was very much scared on that day.’ Said Dr Philips.
‘What did you suggested him?’
‘ I took his blood pressure, which was slightly abnormal. I also took his brain waves graph through special instrument, which was very wavering. I felt that something was abnormal with his brain.’ Explained doctor.
‘Do you find such thing is possible even in a normal person in certain circumstances.’ Asked attorney.
‘Yes it is possible but this is a different case. He was under brain attack then and he was under going such problems frequently. Therefore I gave him medication for the same. However accuse went on complaing about the continuation of the said problem. Therefore it lead me to believe that he is suffering from ‘schizophrenia’ and started giving him strong dose of medications.’ Said Dr Philips.
‘Sir it may be noted that abnormal blood pressure and brain wave graph is possible in case of people who are all the while working with brain and it is more common in the people with genius mind.
Besides that some time Dr has to more depend upon the patient’s statement.’ Said public attorney. He asked one more question to doctor ‘ whether any significant statement he made before you regarding his mental illness?’
‘Yes he shouted once "some forces are driving me to commit violent action. Please save me as I want to live to complete my work’ said Dr Philips.
‘Sir this may be noted that accuse was anticipating homicide due to certain circumstances and he wanted help from the learned Dr’ said public attorney.
‘What is it?’ asked judge
‘ Accuse wanted certificate from Dr for deadly mental ailment in order to save him form preplanned murder.’ Said public attorney.
Sir this word should not be put in the mouth of my client in order to serve the purpose of prosecution.’ Robert objected the argument of prosecution.
However judge said to the jury you have to note all the point raised by the both the sides for coming to final conclusion.
Both sides strongly argued the case and Dr Philips testimony was very much in fever of William. He testified that he was suffering from ‘schizophrenia ‘ and he did not know what he was doing when he committed murder.
Therefore jury could not come to any conclusion and they were equally divided. They requested for help of the judge. He briefs them in confidence and thereafter he asked them what is their verdict? The majority of them held William guilty.
However Judge Monty was very shrewd and very experienced person. He gave full freedom to both the sides to give their best but conclusion was his own. He gave most brilliants summing up
‘ Here is an intelligent and honorable man of the city who was in dilemma. It was his intellectual problem what to do as he was facing the most complicated problem of his life. He came to know that his wife whom he loved the most was not loyal to him. She had married to his fame and wealth. She was playing game of love with him and passing on the real love to his boy friend who had crookedly installed her in his life. He was seeing that his family was getting torn apart every hours with the passing of time.
He was very much agitated with the situation. He could solve any complicated problems in his sphere of activities with his intelligence but in his personal problem he was helpless.
His intelligence was insisting that ‘ to handle his personal problem ruthlessly by paying in the same coin.’ However he has to see that he saves his career, as he was in the mist of a research which may lead him to even Noble price. He was on the verge of discovery where by he can control and chase the any criminal mind. However he was help less on his own issue. Therefore he decided to create evidence through which he can get away from the punishment of the crimes which he supposed to commit. He preplanned to kill his disloyal wife and her boy friend. He even preplanned his defense for getting out of punishment of the crime, which he supposes to commit. He went to Dr Philips to get a certificate to the effect that he was suffering from deadly mental decease. The police have produced enough reading material from the house of accused regarding the ‘sphyzophrenia’. It was procured by accused to make him thoroughly conversant with the features of the said decease and which can help him to convince Dr Philips that he was really victim the deadly mental illness. However when accused begged to Dr that ‘he wanted to live and he should help him.’ He indirectly also meant that he need his help to get out of punishment which he would face for the punishing culprits. I can say it is genius way of doing horrible crime by an intelligent man.
However no body is above law and nobody can get away from crime even if he is very important person for the country and society. It is well-planed murders with full knowledge and in full senses. Therefore accused deserves death penalty. However accused is a very brilliant scientist and his life is valuable in the best interest of nation. Therefore I give him life imprisonment. It will facilitate government also to use his services from the prison
For the benefit of the country. I recommend to the authority to give him all facility in the jail for furthering research, which are vital for the people at large.
‘Well done my friend Robert. Dr Philips you also tried your best to help me. Thanks for everything. Thanks Judge Monty for showing me mercy by not giving death penalty. Thanks to all my friends and well wishers. Dear Rosemary I am sorry. Please look after my kids. Thanks God I will live to finishes my work. ’Said William before he was taken to prison by police.

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